Climate Change Will Accelerate During the Trump Years.
Trump and his billionaire buddies are hell-bent on cashing out while they destroy the climate.
“Climate change is one of the primary predators of wildlife, accelerating the rate of extinction. Increased temperatures, erratic rainfall and extreme weather events will eventually make certain areas on earth uninhabitable for wildlife, causing severe cases of extinction.” - (
We are currently seeing the terrible effects of climate change in our country. Fires are still burning in Los Angeles County. As of Sunday morning, January 19, 2025, the losses are historic, including 27 confirmed fatalities, 40,660 acres burned and 12,300 structures destroyed.
How does the new Trump administration plan to deal with this issue? Mostly by denying it is a problem. Trump ended the electric vehicle mandate on Day One. He says this will save the US auto industry but it will also put more fossil-fuel-powered cars on the road. Fossil fuels account for 75% of greenhouse gas emissions and 90% of all carbon emissions that are released into the atmosphere.
Despite what Trump says, American car makers do not need to be saved. The Trump-loving Wall Street Journal said, ”The U.S. auto industry rebounded in 2023 with many car companies reporting double-digit sales gains, marking a return to normalcy for a sector that has been on a roller coaster since the start of the pandemic.” While 2024 sales were down, many U.S.- based car companies are now selling competitive EVs.
Trump has promised to "Drill, baby, drill”. This means he intends to increase production of fuel sources by building pipelines, refineries, power plants and new nuclear reactors. He has said that he will give unfettered access to oil companies to drill on federal land and water. Other executive orders could roll back environmental protections and halt wind projects. (This hopefully will reduce the number of cases of the dreaded windmill cancer he’s been warning about.) He also claims he will reduce energy costs by 50% in 18 months. Remember, before the 2024 election he said grocery prices would come down as soon as he is inaugurated. More recently he’s backed off on that saying that it will be “very hard” for him to bring prices down. We will soon see what promises he keeps.
While we don’t question Trump’s desire to make fuel more affordable to the average American, it’s not a coincidence that the oil and gas industry has donated a record amount of money to his campaign. They did not donate the $1B Trump had requested, but they did give the Trump-supporting PACs enough money to have an enormous amount of influence in the new administration.
If the new president actually fulfills the promises he made to the oil and gas industries, we will see increasingly dramatic changes to our environment. Glaciers are already melting due to global warming. which will cause the oceans to rise and make some coastal areas uninhabitable. Even more extreme weather will wreak havoc on the entire world. Changing weather patterns can disrupt agricultural areas and cause food shortages. Increasing temperatures will also hurt human health, potentially causing heat exhaustion, heat stroke, heart attacks, blood clots and multiple organ failure. All of these can lead to death.
What can you do?
Educate yourself about Climate Change. Learn about this problem that will affect the whole world. This short UN film is a good place to start: Climate Change - A Short Film [4K]
Be an advocate. While Trump only cares about increasing the wealth of his billionaire buddies, Congress will still have to satisfy the voters in order to keep their jobs.
Join DemCast. We are the largest digital amplification network on the left! We will help you use your social media accounts strategically to fight Trump’s disinformation machine. CLICK TO JOIN!
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I won’t be around when Climate Change gets worse, but my children and grandchildren will. 47 has no empathy or compassion for future generations, and I am angry about that. He is the Devil destroying the planet that must sustain human habitation. Why is he doing this? Why doesn’t he care about humanity’s future?
Because he would rather reap short term profits! Even Exxon’s CEO told him not to leave The Paris Accords!!
47 has NO ABILITY to Love, feel empathy, compassion, guilt, or has any kind of moral compass. He only knows and spreads HATE & FEAR!! His Republican Party is afraid of him, so they do what ever he wants. He desires POWER, CONTROL & MONEY. Pure selfishness. This fulfills the definition of a NARCISSIST and a SOCIOPATH. He doesn’t care about anyone but himself. He doesn’t care about who he hurts. He doesn’t have the type of thinking brain that normal people have. This is why he’s so dangerous to our Democracy, the Constitution and the World. He shouldn’t be in charge of the most powerful Country in the world. Legally, he is disqualified according to the 14th Amendment Sec.3 of the Constitution says very clearly, An adjudicated Insurrectionist cannot hold ANY government office for life‼️PERIOD‼️And he broke his Oath of Office the first time and we should just let him take it again? That’s crazy and criminal! He didn’t even put his hand on the Bible when he said the Oath! So when he swore to God, was it a real Oath?
This is what the Country will look like in 10-15 years because of 47s Policies. Imagine a 4 year old girl with long brown dirty hair standing by a polluted smelly stream where the temperature is rising to 105. She’s holding her favorite doll who has become dirty because of the smog, and the innocent little girl’s skin and clothes match the doll because of it being soiled by dirty air, but the thing that strikes you the most is what else she is wearing. While she’s out playing she must wear a full size gas mask that covers her entire face so she can breathe some air that’s not POLLUTED by 47s POLICIES. And he’ll be dead by then, but she’s just starting out in life. Will she make it? How long does she have? Will this be your daughter or granddaughter? Is this how it ends?
You must be thinking, “Well what can I do?”
2. GET INTO “GOOD TROUBLE” by gathering crowds of people and PROTEST as often as possible PEACEFULLY!
4. Look into the eyes of your children or grandchildren and see their innocence and love for GAIA. START PUTTING POLITICIANS IN OFFICE WHO CARE ABOUT THE EARTH and promise to protect and help the earth.
5. RUN FOR SOMETHING YOURSELF, whether it’s local, state or federal. Be a part of healing our planet, our home. Be the change!
6. Give or Volunteer some time to Non Profit Organizations that are trying to save the Planet.
7. Write to your Senators and Representatives. Write or call (202-271-3121) at least once a week until they know your name! Explain how Climate Change works and what the difference is between Climate Change and Weather. (Educate yourself, you have Google, right?)
Tell them you will NOT donate another penny to their Campaign and will not vote for them unless they support clean air, water and Climate Change!!
If you don’t start now, the above story will be the future for your little girl. FIGHT 47s POLICIES! DO YOUR HOMEWORK AND USE WHAT YOU LEARN TO RESIST!!
I won’t be here as I am 71, but I remember what it’s like to play outside, picking daisies for my mom, smelling the clean fresh air, while mom hung clean sheets on the cloths line (we didn’t have a dryer). When I nestled into bed at night, how sweet those sheets smelled. I’d cover my face with them and take a long deep breaths. How amazing. Have you ever smelled the freshest sunshine on your sheets in bed? You should try it, it’s the smell of clean air, sunshine, the scent of the earth all in one. It’s beautiful and nothing like you’ve ever smelled in your life. Clean fresh air dried sheets are the best. I miss it.
I apologize to future generations that it was my generation and several generations before mine that started this catastrophe. We didn’t know. Politicians never told the truth about what we were doing to the planet. Many still deny Climate Change today. THEY ARE WRONG!
That little sweet child in the story, will never have the opportunity to smell clean air, drink clean unpolluted water or the smell of clean sheets that dried in the wind.
47 just reversed the Clean Air and Water Act by Executive Order. He’s allowing companies and corporations to dump toxins into the water and the air, rapidly pushing us into the future you read in the story above.
Bless our Earthly home, AND DO SOMETHING TO SAVE IT‼️🌎🌍 GAIA is a Pearl that swims in the sea of the Universe. Let her live. DO SOMETHING-TODAY!
The average surface air temps globally have increased since 1850 about 1.2 degrees C, but so far there has been no increase in fire weather, hurricanes, droughts or floods— just temperatures, including milder winters. See IPCC, WG1 (Science Basis), Table 12.12 and accompanying discussion. This is the consensus science. Attributing the California fires to climate change is pure speculation.