DIGITAL RALLY During Kamala's CNN Town Hall!
Join us online as we rally behind the VP tonight.
Hey friends.
13 days to go! I hope y’all are taking care of yourselves and each other. I know this is a tense moment for our country. Let’s just keep our heads down, do the work and win this thing!
Speaking of doing the work…
Kamala Harris will be live on CNN tonight for a Pennsylvania Town Hall, and we’re going to be clipping videos to be shared in social feeds.
Here’s the plan:
8pm ET / 5pm PT: We will launch a hashtag campaign #KamalaDeliversJoyToUS. Use this toolkit to spread content ahead of the Town Hall. Our goal is to get this trending across platforms by the time the event starts.
9pm ET / 6pm PT: The Town Hall will begin. DemCast will be clipping videos from the event and adding those clips to the same toolkit. This way you only need one link.
9pm ET to 12am ET: Keep it going! Let’s get word out about our MVP’s inevitably strong performance. We can overcome MAGA disinformation about her if we flood the zone with helpful content.