Republicans' Only "Concept of a Plan" is to Control Our Decisions.
To say the GOP is light on policy "concepts" that will help everyday Americans is a dramatic understatement.
Trump’s “Concept of a Plan”
During the debate on Tuesday, ABC’s debate moderators actually pressed Donald Trump on his “plan” for healthcare.
Despite trying to repeal the Affordable Care Act numerous times throughout his term and constantly indicating that he had a plan of some kind to replace it, his only true plan was to take away our healthcare.
That was the case then. It’s the case now. And if he’s able to implement Project 2025, he’ll get his wish:
But It’s More Than Just Healthcare…
The Republican party really has no policy platform to speak of beyond giving tax cuts to the richest Americans, eliminating programs that help regular people, and controlling our personal decisions.
It’s the anti-freedom agenda.
From controlling women’s bodies to deciding which books our kids can read to eliminating our freedom to walk through a mall without a fear of being massacred by a kid with an assault rifle, their only goal is to have us all conform to their White Christian Nationalist worldview.
Extreme MAGA Republicans don’t have any real ideas to help Americans thrive.
This video sums it up perfectly:
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Bottom Line
Trump’s “Concept of a Plan” moment in the debate wasn’t a gaffe. It was a tell.
They’ve got nothing. They don’t believe in governing. They only want control.
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What would become the Affordable Care Act (ACA), sometimes called Obamacare, was introduced on October 29, 2009. President Obama signed the ACA into law on March 23, 2010, and it began to be phased in with the full implementation in effect on January 1, 2014. Republicans did not like it then, nor do they like it now. They could have had that “something better” they boasted ready to offer voters in the 2012 election, the 2016 election, the 2020 election, and even now in the 2024 election. By my math, they’ve had at least 15 years to come up “with something better”, but they have not. Indeed, as of the debate evening, their presidential nominee has “concepts of a plan”. Is this concept going to take care of your ER visit next year? Take care of your mom’s asthma or breast cancer? Take care of your child’s medications? Come on, folks! If they were serious, they’d have a plan that everyone would know about, and their followers would be cheering. Creating good policy takes hard work and respect for the common good. I don’t see much or any of that in the current GOP.
Yet media complains Kamala hasn’t gone into enough detail…. I’m sick of this crap.