SHARE: Biden's Incredibly Relatable Interview
The President admitted to having suicidal thoughts after the death of his wife & daughter. Nothing distinguishes Biden more from Trump than his humanity.
This is worth sharing across social channels.
In this truly touching interview, the President recounts his first date with his first wife, her tragic death and that of their daughter, and the moment his sons urged him to marry Jill.
There is nothing - not one single thing - that distinguishes Joe Biden more from Donald Trump than his humanity. Joe Biden is a real person - compassionate, generous and relatable. He’s Uncle Joe.
It’s important that his supporters spread and share these moments among our networks, to remind people why he’s a clearly superior human, as compared to the man falling asleep in his porn-star-hush-money / election interference trial.
We’ve loaded two different versions of the video into the 2024 Digital Field Team asset library, along with suggested post language. If you haven’t joined our team in the Reach App, here’s how to join. We have tons of great assets in there, and add more daily.
Here is the video at 1:44 length (cuts out the story about his first date with his first wife):
Here’s the full, 3:21 length version:
If you’d rather just amplify a post, here’s mine on Twitter:
Share away!
Happy weekend to you all.
Just got on Reach. Super simple to share. Well done!