WATCH THIS EPIC NEW AD & Join the Nationwide Digital Rally
Happy National Voter Registration Day! #RegisterAndVoteForDems
If This Doesn’t Get You Excited To Vote…We Don’t Know What Will!
Now Join the Nationwide Digital Rally!
Today is National Voter Registration Day.
Has it ever been more important to urge unregistered Americans to get off the couch and get involved in democracy?
You can share the video above and a ton of other graphics, videos and GIFs by clicking into our deluxe, easy-to-use social media toolkit! We’ve embedded instructions about how to check registration status and register to vote.
Let’s use our reach today to make sure our friends and followers can vote in November!
It’s a minor lift with potentially democracy-saving impact.
Nick, I’m featuring this on my stack.
Your doing "Good Works"here, Nick, will fwd ASAP 💯💙🇺🇸🌊